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It All Starts At The Front Door

Okay Mrs. Rees Dolls... I had good intentions of sharing the Dark Poetry of my MATCH's however, sadly, I do not feel they fit the Mrs. Rees VBP vibe. Here, as you walk through the front door, we are all pink and soft and mushy. Here we are all calming and inspiring and girly... so we are moving on to happier and brighter things and leaving the darkness outside our front door.

Why did I make this decision... it is incredible how many of you have shared with me that your Thanksgivings were so very stressful for you... so... after our time together here at the Parlour, you sharing your stories with me and me wanting you to have some joy, if even for a few moments while you read through my Vintage Bugle, I decided ~ let's keep up with the work we did here at the Parlour. Your time with me in my chair allowed you to share and the Parlour vibe got you calm and feeling good so let's Keep Calm & Carry On having fun and let the stress and dark go for now. This season doesn't have to be only about spooky things... it can be, and for that matter, should be, FUN!

Lets leave all the NUTS outside!


Thrifting and Crafting

Recently I visited a local thrift shop and was able to get myself 4 TV dinner trays from the 1960's with a stand. They only cost me $20... such a steal! Of course, they are not the prettiest and have some wear and show their age, however they are sturdy for what we need them for here at the Parlour which is so that each guest at Stitch & Story has their very own table to work from (should they need one).

I was so excited to finally find more of these trays, as I only had 2 and everywhere I saw them up until this point they were $125 +. I simply cannot afford that, nor do I believe they are worth that. Finding these was so exciting as now I can offer my guests a private table! It makes working so much easier!

I have had a thought to decoupage them. I was looking up some ideas and thinking about Martha Stewart crafts and that got me researching. I think I will get to work on the tables soon and maybe you too have some ideas that you might like to work on in this way? I thought I would share the link to the page.

I personally do not like Modge Podge although this is the product many choose to use for this type of craft. I have tried it many times and it never seems to dry and remains tacky. I don't feel that will work well for a table and especially for a craft table so I am hoping some of the materials from Martha Stewart will work better. Click the image below to go to the page to learn how to make these super cute Halloween boxes.


Speaking of donations...

Mrs. Rees' Vintage Beauty Parlour is still collecting for Ukraine.


Stitch & Story Gatherings, although FREE, I do ask that you please bring a donation for the local food bank with you to the gatherings! Even one can of food will help! Or you can bring a monetary donation which I pass along.

Thank you to all my clients who have donated and continue to do so!


It all starts at the Front Door

I absolutely love crafting! Art heals the soul. A day filled with art along with music or a good audio book is what I would consider a perfect day!

The front door of your home is the first impression of what lies within... It could be elegant, spooky, spooky & elegant... it is a way for you to give a sneak peek of what to expect within.

Making your own "something" for your front door also infuses that item with a bit of magick. As you work on it, with love in your heart and joy in your soul, you are creating a sort of talisman to hang, protecting your home with love!

Here are some absolutely beautiful and fun ideas. Click the image below!

I absolutely LOVE this set up and I think this will work at our house!


Sweet Pea * Grey Hare Candles

I have two amazing candles for this Fall season! Pumpkin King is a delightful pumpkin scented candle... so yummy and slightly sweet spicy and Season of the Witch smells of the night after All Hallows Eve... sweet candy apples with paper wrappers and Fallen Leaves... it's intoxicating and I'm personally addicted to this one!

Once they are gone, they are gone for another year!

This year this candle includes playful sparkles too.

Season of the Witch is totally addictive! In my humble opinion!

Fire Starteds wil be in stock again soon and There are some Pinecone Wish Kits here ready to go!

The Wish Kits come with instructions, A wax dipped pinecone, birch bark and parchment to write on.


Parlour News

Please do not be concerned...

I will be wearing a mask at the Parlour for the unforeseen future.

This will help to keep you all safer and me too!

Recently Mr. Rees attended an event and was unfortunate to catch COVID once again. We remained isolated in the house until he was well again, wearing masks and cleaning etc. I was fortunate not to contract it. I tested with him whenever we tested him. Now that he is through this, I have made this personal decision.

The numbers in Ontario are skyrocketing again and we are soon to be in flu season (if we are not already) so, as I am fully booked most days, I need to be here for you!

If you wish to wear a mask also, that is up to you, but it is not required.

I do ask that if you are feeling under the weather, please reschedule.

I have never stopped cleaning the same as I was doing with the requirements during covid government lockdown/ reopening's.

I may require you to remove your mask for certain parts of your service so that you can get the best service.

Thank you all and I look forward to seeing you here soon!


Coming Soon to the Parlour....

~Barefoot Venus~

Just the tin alone is so wonderful. I love these collector tins! You can reuse it for many things. Emergency sewing kit in your purse, a travel Altar, keep it as is to carry with you as you travel. This would make a great gift for someone ~ with these magical and inspiring words written inside ~ From the Chaos of her soul flowed Beauty!

Comes with Perfume Oil and Purse Size Hand Lotion!


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Mrs Rees'

Vintage Beauty Parlour

69 b Belleville, ON



Monday -Mystic Mondays

Tuesday/ Wednesday- 10-5 pm

Thursday/ Friday 11 am - 7 pm

Saturday by appointment Only

Sunday - Stitch & Story Gatherings








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 © 2017 by Mrs Rees VBP. Proudly owned by Mrs. M. Rees

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