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Happy Hoppy Easter

Today I want to send out a very Happy Easter greeting to all my readers. I wish that you all enjoy the company of friends and family this weekend and that you enjoy a small or large indulgence of chocolate or your favorite treat!

Thank you to my beautiful model Miss Mandy Mae who can be found on FB for professional Pinup modeling!

The months leading up to Easter were celebrated on the pages of magazines all over... here are some fun adverts from the 1950's: You'd have planned just what to wear, what cards to buy, what to cook for dinner, what to bake and even what treats to offer to the little ones.

One of my very favorite treats at Easter is a handmade Chocolate Easter Egg with a all too sweet creamy center. If you are not up to making one yourself Laura Secord has amazing ones as does our local church handmade by local perishners. I LOVE them but was unable to get any this year... but I am sure that they sold out as they always do! You can order ahead of time to the Eastminster Church should you like to try some next year!

If however you are so inclined to try to make them yourself... there are some outstanding recipes online. Try these off

In the fifties a majority of the population was Catholic and definately Christian so Easter was a very big celebration as it still is today for many families. It was a full day of fun. The day often began with an easter egg hunt...

and sometimes if you were really someone's special bunny you might recieve a special egg from grandpa...

and maybe get to play a little dress-up too...

Okay, maybe not really that kind of dress-up, more like your very best Sunday bonnet and prettiest Easter dress... this first image is a wee bit earlier than the fifties but just to cute not to share! 1930's hats are some of my very favorites! The Cloche style hat is a special favorite of mine!

I am simply in love with the colours of these outfits! So pretty and all must be sisters wearing most probably handmade matching outfits in different sizes and colours! Just smashing!

Meticulous hair and the whitest of whites! And look at how very handsome he is with his bow tie and blue trousers! I also miss corsage! A flower really is the finishing touch to a lovely dress!

This is one of the prettiest dresses I have seen and I love her basket purse and pretty hat! Her hair is fab ~ she is adorable all round!

Taking the time to get that family photo was of great importance as everyone was looking their best and cameras were a fairly new item that could be owned by only a few. COLOUR photos... just fantastic! Look at her very pretty hat and all it's flowers and that Robin's Egg Blue swing coat! Soooo lovely!

Then it was off to Easter church service which may even take place at no other than, a Drive-In... how fun!

After service a trip to the bakery to pick up fresh hot cross buns and some easter treats was in order... Just look at those beautiful roller set hair-dos too!

All in all it was a day to remember! A day of family, religion, food and fun!

Whatever your beliefs, on this day I hope your day is filled with love and laughter, friends and family.

Oh and the day did not end there... Easter specials were often shown so the family gathered round to share dinner and then watch a bit of telly. Not every family had one so sharing and gathering was quite common... and you had to enjoy it while it was airing as there was no way to tape or record it! It made for a very exciting time!

Our lives have become so overwhelmingly filled with fast food, work, stress and we sometimes forget the importance of tradition and making time for family. I hope that this Easter you have some time with your friends and loved ones and indulge in something sweet.

Many Blessings

Mrs. Rees

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