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13 Poems

Many years ago, I took some of my MATCH's poems and published them into a book. When I did this, I decided to reach out to several of our friends to help me to illustrate each of the poems. From drawers, painters, photographers, graphic artists, together we got it done.

1 poem was assigned to each artist, and they then created the art to go along with that poem in whatever style they wished. All the artists are our friends or family. The art and poetry are copywritten in 2009... it's been 14 years since I created this book for Jason. Incredible artwork from generous friends and family and the fun and dark poetry of my creative husband created the most awesome of books.

Being October and all... the scary season, I thought I would share "Book 1 ~ 13 Poems" with you.

A big thank you AGAIN and forever to everyone who participated in this creation. Let's go down the dark rabbit hole together again...

Front Cover by Shane Hutton my cousin and owner of Acana Alchemy Advertising Agency in LA

Notice that the 13 also is a JR for Jason Rees. Extremely smart and creative... guess that's why he's won so many awards over the years for his advertising!

THANK YOU Shane for this awesome cover to Book ONE


The following poetry is by Jason Rees @2009

Poem 1


Shattered bones

Internal ooze

GQ types

Who like to shmooze.

Evil thoughts

And darkest fears.

Tiny monsters,

Endless beers.

Mutant kids

And deadly sins

Upon these pages

contained within

Image creation by my Mum ~ Kay Canham. THANK YOU Mum for this creation! Well done!


It is so fun going through this book again. So many interpretations of my husband's poetry. I laughed out loud so many times going through all of this and I hope you too will find some humor in the work along with recognizing the incredible talent it took by our friends and family to create the images to go along with the poems.

If you know Edward Gorey, the writer and poet you will have some idea of this style of poetry and if not, I hope you will enjoy the book through the next 13 days. It is definitely well suited to this time of year.


Just a Reminder

...The 2023 Cookie exchange has been posted. I will be making some changes to the requirements in that instead of 1 dozen cookies being made for each guest by each guest ... I will lessen that to half a dozen per guest.

November Stitch & Story is posted to sign up. Click to RSVP! Space is limited.

It is time to start securing your CHRISTMAS hair. I am already getting many bookings and I do not want you to be disappointed when you cannot get in for your hair services this holiday season. PLEASE book ahead.


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