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Fall Release Candles ~ Sweet Pea & Grey Hare

Sweet Pea & Grey Hare is my other business and another creative outlet for me. The Fall Candles are ready and here at the Parlour.

Pumpking King is an wonderful pumkin and caramel scented candle. This year the candle has a mini pumpkin, cinnamon and some orangle glitter in it. The photo below is last years photo (my appologies)

Season of the witch is one of the most intoxicating scents to me. I love. love. LOVE this scent. It's like a candy apple meets the cripst fall air and falling leaves. It's like the day after All Hallows Eve. Sooooo great!

Carnellian and Opal...with green and purple sparkles... so pretty and I seriously can't get enough of this one. It is currenly burning in a wax melt in the Parlour powder room.

Soothsayer has also been restocked along with Live Long ~ Both remarkable and not only two of my favorites but also my clients. I can never keep these two in stock.


Still making out well on my eating plan. Not sure about weight loss until later this week but things are going well and I am sticking to the plan. I think I have over done the fat content slightly so I will be watching that from today on. Things sneak in some but as long as you nip it in the bud quickly... it won't be too bad.

I have not endulged in any sugar through the week or alcohol and have my REWARD MEAL coming up once again. Last week was breakfast and it was delightful. Not sure what I want this time but it might be a homemade peach pie. I have not made a pie in quite some time and I am having a craving.

I made the pie above and it was delightful. I LOVE to bake! LOVE pie so much that after week 2, and the fact that I actually love the daily food I am eating, a pie might be just the REWARD I would love to have.

I have not been doing my weights this week. I am having some issues with my wrists and have instead been juggling and walking longer walks with Norman. I am still meeting my step criteria and in the Fat Burn Zone, or at least that is what my Fitbit says.


I know this sounds crazy... but it's time to start booking your HOLIDAY appointments for your hair. Some of you are already on it... I am starting to see some scattered appointments scheduled so please don't wait too long!

Just a reminder that for the month of November through to December we will once again be collecting for the Gleaners Food Bank! This will give you all lots of time to prepare!



This weekend is Chinlock Wrestling at Tyendinaga raising money for Indigenous Charities. Please visit the links within this sentence for more information and ticket sales.

I will be there with my MATCH Jaybird Digital Arts and Norman Bates. We would love to see you out supporting local and having an incredible time. If you have never watched wrestling in person... it's so fun! Not to mention that the Chinlock family is just incredible!


I'll be back soon to check in with new news for my journey in healthy eating and more Parlour Stuff!

See you soon everyone!

Maybe at wrestling!


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