Holy Shit!
I mean... there is no other title I could have used for this Newsletter!
My MATCH received a phone call today from someone we could barely understand. The guy had bought all my camera equipment, camera, bag, lenses and went to the pawn shop to trade it and the pawn shop guy recognized it as being the stuff we told him about and gave him our number. The guy decided to call us.
My Father-in-law gave the guy back the $250 he had paid the thief for it and my husband gave him a good talkin too because, I mean, we all know the guy knew it was stolen goods.
BUT he did the right thing... he called us. He got his money back and I GOT MY CAMERA BACK! HOLY SHIT!

The bag is burned all over it... But hey... the camera and lenses are working perfectly!
The pawn shop guy was floored because he said again "in 20 years... this has never happened"!
Let me share a little story. Today, I was taking off the inside painting from my windows at the Parlour. For about two years now I have had a PROTECTION symbol painted on my window. I was looking at it and it came into my mind... "I should remove this... it didn't work." but then I thought ... maybe it did work and the more I thought about it the more I thought.... it could have been way worse. Maybe it protected us from losing ALL my husband's livelihood with his computer etc. So, I left it. I even cleaned it.
Shortly after that, we got the phone call that my camera had been found! WTF!
I want to say how very grateful I am feeling today. I want to record everything about this camera stuff... serial numbers and models and I can't wait to start taking pictures again!
The bag reeks of smoke and she is badly burned ... but I don't want a new bag. I want her to have scars, just like me. She made it back to me and honestly... you might be thinking that Mrs. Rees is a Kook but... I LOVE this girl. She has taken so many images for me. She has shared so much of my life with me! I think of all the things I own... she means the most to me. She has taken photos of you, or my family, my boys, Norman, pies, clothes, all kinds of cooking, places, houses... the list goes on and on. She has allowed me the pleasure of art. She has allowed me to record LIFE!
It took me a LONG time to afford her and her lenses! She is precious to me!
THANK YOU, GODDESS! THANK YOU, UNIVERSE! THANK YOU, WITCH SISTERS, who I know were working with me to get her back! THANK YOU, FAMILY WHO PRAYED TO GOD! THANK YOU!!!!!!! I am so, so grateful!
AND.... like as if that is not enough
They are buldozing the encampment behind us near the Parlour! WHAT IS HAPPENING!
HOLY SHIT! is the only thing that could be the title for today!
I mean... I just can't even! WOW!